The Dryas, a self-produced trio composed of Hudd Hunter-Smith, Luke Cowie, and Connor Tagg, began their musical journey after relocating to Brighton from their hometown in Kent. The band members had previously been involved in various projects and bands since their teenage years. In 2021, the band decided to pursue their passion and launch The Dryas.
In November 2022, The Dryas released their self-titled debut EP.
The Dryas, a self-produced trio composed of Hudd Hunter-Smith, Luke Cowie, and Connor Tagg, began their musical journey after relocating to Brighton from their hometown in Kent. The band members had previously been involved in various projects and bands since their teenage years. In 2021, the band decided to pursue their passion and launch The Dryas.
In November 2022, The Dryas released their self-titled debut EP.